What a wonderful way for people to get the help they need, in the privacy of their own home or office, whether locally or from around the world! It is so easy and what makes working with me, amazing, is that you still get to feel as if you are "in" the experience. The better your headphones, the better your experience in hearing the birds, flowing water, dolphins, train, etc. I have about 20 sound possibilities to assist in enhancing your imaginations of reality.
Remember, my pricing is in Canadian dollars so if you live somewhere else, conversion could significantly change the price. Check it out!
Your session is 100% you-focused and just like in office, I will have detailed notes about you and what you want to achieve
After our initial contact, you will get a set of questions emailed to you for filling out. These help me to personalize your session. For instance, I will ask you 3 things you are good at, enjoy and are proud of, to connect what you already know to be true about yourself to the goals you want to achieve through hypnotherapy.
At your appointment, I will send you a ZOOM link that does require a good internet connection. We will chat what I do and your needs then we'll do your private session. We will chat again after the session about what you can do in the way of self-hypnosis practice techniques.
You will later receive an email with your homework suggestions and tips on self-hypnosis to compound and strengthen your work with me. If you decide, within a day or two, that you want to have more than one session (most people do 3) then you can pay the difference and we can set up your next appointments to strengthen your subconscious work.
Places where I have successfully used ZOOM hypnotherapy to help others;
Chilliwack Vancouver Burnaby Whistler Hawaii Texas Toronto Japan England Costa Rica
I would absolutely love the opportunity to add your home town & country, to my list.